Terms and Conditions


Use of any of the materials or information located at www.ofek.law (this “Website”) is subject to the following terms and conditions. By using this Website, you agree to these terms and conditions (together, the “Terms”) and acknowledge reading them.


Materials and information (together, “Content”) on this Website are provided for informational purposes only, are general in nature, and do not constitute a legal opinion or legal advice and should not be construed as a legal opinion or legal advice. If Content on this Website appears to be a “recommendation,” it should be deemed general commentary and not applicable to any specific entity or person. If you are seeking legal advice, it is essential to review the specific facts of each case in detail with an attorney. You should not act upon any Content on this Website without first seeking advice from a qualified attorney for your specific matter. Unless and until you enter into a written attorney-client agreement with Ofek Law Corporation (the “Firm”) you are not represented by the Firm. The availability of Content on this Website (1) is not intended to create, and does not create or constitute, an attorney-client relationship between you and the Firm; (2) is not intended as a solicitation by the Firm; (3) is not intended to convey or constitute legal advice from the Firm; and (4) is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney licensed in the appropriate jurisdiction. Please note, by sending an e-mail message to an attorney or to the Firm through this Website, you will not be creating an attorney-client relationship and therefore, the Firm cannot assure you that any such e-mail message will be privileged. Because unsolicited confidential information may not be subject to an attorney-client privilege and may not be treated as confidential, you should not send confidential information to the Firm without first speaking to one of our attorneys and receiving authorization to provide such confidential information. Receipt of unsolicited confidential information by the Firm or one of our attorneys will not disqualify the firm from representing another party in any matter to which the information relates. The Firm also has no duty to keep any such unsolicited information confidential prior to the formation of an attorney-client relationship.


Content on this Website is provided on an “as is” basis without representation or warranty of any kind as to suitability, reliability, applicability, merchantability, fitness, noninfringement, result, outcome or any other matter. The Firm periodically adds and changes Content on this Website without notice and neither the Firm nor any attorney affiliated with the Firm represents or warrants that the Content on this Website is or will always be up-to-date, complete, or accurate. Any representation or warranty that might be otherwise implied is expressly disclaimed. You agree that neither the Firm nor any person associated with the Firm will be liable to you or any third parties, in any way for any damages of any kind under any theory of law, arising from your use of this Website, or your use of or reliance on the Content available on this Website, including, but not limited to, liability or damages under contract or tort theories or any damages caused by viruses contained within electronic files on this Website or on any linked site, regardless of prior notice to the Firm. The Firm assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the Content on this Website or on any other website linked from this Website.


The Firm’s attorneys listed on this Website are not certified by, or certified as specialists or experts by, any professional or governmental agency or authority, unless expressly specified. Designations of our firm’s practice areas, or of expertise, practice concentrations or specializations of our attorneys, are not intended to suggest any professional or governmental standard by which such experience is measured. Unless otherwise specified, the Firm’s attorneys listed on this Website are admitted to practice in the jurisdiction of their office, and they are not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Unless otherwise specified, the Firm’s attorneys listed on this Website are not certified as a specialist in any practice area by the Tennessee Commission on Continuing Legal Education and Specialization.


The Firm does not intend this Website to be deemed as advertising or a solicitation in any jurisdiction where this Website would be so characterized. Furthermore, the Firm does not desire or seek to represent anyone by means of this Website in a jurisdiction where this Website may fail to comply with all applicable laws and ethics rules of that jurisdiction. This Website may include testimonials from clients and descriptions of successful client representations, strategies or outcomes in both transactional matters and adversarial proceedings. The results portrayed are dependent on the particular facts of prior matters, among other variables, and future results may differ if based on different facts. The Firm makes no guarantee, warranty or prediction that it will be successful in new matters, even if they involve similar facts and circumstances.


This Website may provide links to, or accept links from, websites of other parties for convenience. The inclusion of any link on this Website does not imply any association or relationship between the Firm and the person sponsoring the linked website and does not constitute or imply any endorsement, approval or sponsorship of the linked website by the Firm, or the endorsement, approval or sponsorship of the Firm by the sponsor of the linked website. The links do not imply legal authority to use any protected rights of others reflected in the links. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness or reliability of material presented directly or indirectly in linked websites.


Except as expressly noted, the Content on this Website is protected under copyright laws and includes the trademarks, trade dress and/or other intellectual properties owned, controlled or licensed by the Firm. You may view Content on this Website and print pages for your personal, non-commercial viewing only. No Content on this Websites may otherwise be copied, reproduced, republished, modified, or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without the prior written permission from the Firm. Any usage of Content on this Website must be accompanied by the following notice: “Copyright 2021 Ofek Law Corporation. All rights reserved. All uses are subject to conditions of use set forth at www.ofek.law.”


The Firm reserves the right to change these terms at any time. Please check this page of this Website periodically. If you violate these terms, the Firm may terminate your use of this Website, bar you from future use of this Website, and/or take appropriate legal action against you. This Website may contain images of professionals, businessmen, and or lawyers that have never been associated with the Firm. Such images are included as an example or dramatization of the Firm’s work. Any disputes arising out of Content on this Website, your use of this Website, or these Terms, shall be governed by California law (without regard to conflicts of law principles), and any proceeding which may arise out of Content on this Website, your use of this Website, or these Terms, this website shall be brought solely in a court in Los Angeles, California. The attorney responsible for this Website is Tidhar Ofek.